Although it may seem like a new innovation, air purifiers have been more than 200 years. Beginning as protective masks for fireman, air purifiers are now able to protect you and your family from air pollutants developed.
Allergies and asthma now affects more than 50 million Americans who care about the quality of indoor air has grown rapidly. Now more than ever, Americans are looking for ways to try to improve air quality. Air Purifier leadPack in improvements for cleaner air.
Allergens such as smoke, mold spores, pollen, bacteria, viruses, animal dander and other pollutants cause damage to the lungs and immune system. Unfortunately, most of these stimuli can not be seen with the naked eye. Air cleaner filter allergens and pollutants visible or invisible to the naked eye. To remove these objects, air purifiers typically use filters, electrical attraction, or ozone.
Air Filters use sieves that filter particles from circulatingAir. Since that flows into the purifier, the finer the sieve used, the smaller the particle traps. The accepted standard for air filter was determined by (HEPA) High Efficiency Particulate Air filters that are 99.97% to trap the air above 0.3 micron guaranteed. Micron is the standard unit of measurement for air particles used. Each micron is 1 / 25, 400th of an inch. To the naked eye can not see these little escape, so pollutants such as bacteria and virusesRecognition. room air conditioning filters only capture particles 10 microns or larger. HEPA filters remove smaller allergens like dust, smoke, chemicals, asbestos, pollen and animal hair.
More air through the HEPA filter, the air is cleaner. The room capacity of a HEPA air filter is to see if the air filter can operate your air cleaning needs. Top brands-of-the-line as Austin Air Purifier delivers about 15 air changes per hour inan average room and contain on average 15 pounds of activated carbon / zeolite mixture which absorbs chemicals and odors.
In addition to the HEPA filter, and brands like Alleria IQAir offer an optional medical grade ultra-violet (UV) lighting system used to quickly kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, and entering the air filter. UV light also protects the HEPA filters from biological and viral infections.
Electrical attraction is another technology to capture air cleaners usedParticles. Three types of air filters work with electrical attraction: electrostatic deposition cleaners, electret filters and negative ion generators.
Electronic air cleaner, or electrostatic deposition of particles onto the fan and load it with a series of high-voltage lines. several plates (precipitating cells) carry the opposite charge and attract the contaminants passing through the plates. Electronic air cleaners are ideal fordo not worry about replacing expensive HEPA filters. Friedrich electrostatic air purifiers remove approximately 95% of all particles and have low energy costs for you.
Electret filters in air cleaners of synthetic fibers that create static charges to attract particles. Electret filters are available in a variety of styles including plain, pleated, disposable or reusable available. Depending on the type of filter is necessary to determine how often the filter needsReplacement.
Some brands like Blueair HEPA combine technology with its own electrostatic filter technology, which calculates the incoming particles, instead of the filter. With the marriage of two unique cleaning systems together, Blueair created a more efficient air filter.
negative ion generators or ionic air purifiers use tiny wires charge or needles of gas molecules with negative charges or ions that adhere to suspended particles and accumulate in the filter to create.But the end of many ions back into the air, holding onto the furniture and other surfaces which can be colored by them.
air purifiers only remove certain types of particles and are not always effective against gases, chemicals or odors. Some air purifiers have been re-circulate dirt particles that they themselves draw, making them much less effective than conventional air cleaners with HEPA filtration.
Instead of using filters to trap particles, ozone generatorshigh-voltage electrical current of oxygen ozone, a strong oxidant and breaks down molecules and microorganisms in effect convert the air. Tests have shown that ozone generators are not very effective in removing indoor allergens.
Ozone, in fact, can compromise your health, and both ozone generators and ionic air cleaners emit ozone. In nature, ozone is formed when lightning cuts through oxygen molecules in the air. In the atmosphere, ozone protects usfrom harmful UV rays, but, on the ground, ozone is a strong irritation of the lungs. When created artificially, ozone can actually aggravate allergies and asthma, damage the lining of the nose and lungs, causing coughing, coughing, chest pain and shortness of breath. The Environmental Protection Agency and the American Lung Association, with rates of ozone generators.
Asbestos and radon are growing problems in homes today. Heaters produce carbon monoxideand other dangerous gases and chemicals such as formaldehyde and ammonia in the home. Since most Americans stay home on average 90% of the time, providing fresh air has never been more important.
Find an amicable solution, the environment has become much easier. To learn more about air purifiers today. The right to air suffering from asthma and allergy air purifier available free of air pollutants and create healthy air quality for youand your family.