Sunday, July 24, 2011

Home Inspection Tips - Get Reliable Radon Test Results

!±8± Home Inspection Tips - Get Reliable Radon Test Results

You can not see or smell radon, but it could be in the house you are buying, selling or building, and a threat to health. Therefore, it is important to find a home inspector or other qualified home testing for radon concentrations are to determine if repairs are necessary to reduce these levels.

How can you be sure to get reliable results? First, the test should be done at the lowest level of the house, which is open regularly as a wine cellar to do,Area or region that can be used as a laboratory. It 'also important to decide how long the test should be done and when. A short test requires a minimum of 48 hours. Disorders of the test should be minimized as well.

Special equipment is required for testing radon. Your home inspector or other qualified radon testers are suitable equipment for your specific situation. The office that deals with issues of radon in the state where you live, shouldhave the latest information on the best equipment and procedures for the examination.

There are active and passive devices for radon testing. Passive devices do not require electricity. These devices are containers coal, alpha-track detectors, charcoal liquid scintillation devices, and electret ion chamber detectors. Each device must be exposed to the air in the apartment for some time, depending on the needs of the device. They are then sent to a laboratory for analysis.

PassiveThe devices can be used to test short-term or long term. They are usually inexpensive. They can also affect the function of discouraging episodes could test the results.

Active testing devices require power to operate. These include continuous radon monitors and continuous monitoring of the level of work, which measures the amount of radon and its decay products in air for a longer period. Many of these devices provide a report showing an unusual orabnormal fluctuations of the radon level during the trial period. A qualified tester can explain this relationship.

Some of these active devices are specifically designed to deter and detect test interference. There are some advanced active devices offer anti-interference capability. Although these tests can cost, you can lead to more reliable.

As evidence of disorders can be prevented? First, use a test device that frequently records radon or decay productsTo detect unusual levels of volatility. Use a motion detector to determine if the test device has been moved or testing conditions have changed. Use a proximity sensor to detect if someone is in space, since it could affect the results.

There is also a good idea to get pressure on the weather conditions that may have influenced the test to identify Record. Also determine the temperature to see if doors and windows were open. Your testers can apply anti-tamper sealsWindows to ensure closed house conditions.

It would be a good idea, the seller at home or the occupants must sign an agreement of non-interference.

Your inspector or qualified radon tester should provide knowledge about these and all other necessary precautions to ensure that radon test results are reliable.

Home Inspection Tips - Get Reliable Radon Test Results

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