The purpose of this study is to provide data analysis of fatal fires in one or two-family houses occur in upstate New York from 2000 to 2006. What factors contribute to the conclusion that if you install the proposed mandate for sprinklers in new houses, is the best measure to reduce fire deaths.
Most of the data was acquired through the Freedom of Information Law (film) process by the State of New York State Department Bureau of FirePrevention and Control (OFPC) is Fire Unit Report. Information was provided, was to be presented in different completeness, to OFPC a number of local authorities and the sources of fire in relation to fatal fires. Some additional data has been compiled from home at age HomeInfoMax, an online reality.
An Excel spreadsheet was developed to compile the following information: name of the volunteer firefighters on duty at the fire, the number of deaths, years at home and in the home was builtAddress. A sum of the total number of deaths and the average age of the apartments have been calculated for the period of seven years of data.
There were 495 deaths in 389 offices in New York in the theme of time. Complete data were available for 123 pages (31.6%), which are most likely to be a statistically significant sample, sufficient to draw preliminary conclusions. Surprisingly, the example shows that the houses in which there was a fatal fire were built, on average,in 1940. Since building practices can lead to a better safe houses, and take into account the building regulations are evolving and reflect some of these practices, please indicate the age of the houses is a particularly important subject of analysis. One of the most important changes in building regulations fire was the commissioning of smoke alarm sensors locate the new headquarters building in New York in 1984, is listed as an important step in the data analyzed. This was reinforced inIn 1995, when wired alarms with battery back-up was mandatory for all new homes.
From the houses of the sample with 106 or 86.2% of fatal fires were built before 1984, before the new smoke detection alarm York office. There were 139 people lost their lives in these fires, which corresponds to 88.5% of deaths in the sample. A total of 23 cases of multiple deaths occurred in this group. Some deaths have happened only once in the show houses built after 1984. TheSample included only eleven deaths in homes in ten years, built between 1997 and 2006. Of course, every death is heartbreaking, but this information may indicate that some degree of security in new homes, which minimizes the value of sprinkler systems, when all factors are taken into account, has been reached.
The above data show a dramatic difference between the old and new houses. It 'clear that the new houses are equipped with precautions to saveLife.
Deaths, injuries and destruction that residential fires are terribly tragic, but avoidable. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, highlights the severity of the fire at home by pointing out that in 2002 there were 401 000 residential fires in the United States in the 2695 fire civilian deaths, 14 050 wounded civilians and more than $ 6 billion in property damage . According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there is a fire in a residential structure every 79 seconds.The question is whether to mandate residential irrigation systems mentioned here in a new home is the best way to reduce fire deaths.
After continuously improved electrical wiring, it is generally agreed that the mandate requires smoke alarms to find a new home in a dramatic and very positive impact on fire fatalities down. With a relatively small investment and with proper care, especially to install new batteries at regular intervals toportable devices, are these alarms have been very successful. They have proved a thousand times. Most fatal fires in New York between 2000 and 2006 to identify the houses built before the smoke detector requirements. More deaths could be avoided if people could recognize their existing smoke alarms, low-cost, low-impact safety practice.
Entrust the work was commissioned, however, significantly affect house prices, with an average cost of installationapproximately $ 6,000. So hard to face it, it is a fact that not all security features will be made available and included in the cost of a product. Decisions are made every day by individuals weigh the risks of injury or death, when the purchase of cars, for example. Market price items, including houses, would have dramatic effects on the economy, workforce and quality of life.
In addition to the cost of sprinkler establishment, maintenance and annualThe costs of tests to hundreds of dollars. Owners can more consistently plan and provide these services be counted? Necessary repairs can be very different and technicians and spare parts are expensive. Failure can cause expensive damage to furniture, floors, appliances, clothing and other components. In addition, the introduction of a new source of potentially damaging moisture in each house a disaster, especially with the current narrow, more efficient homes. Twoother factors are taken into consideration the potential of freezing and breaking pipes and the feasibility and costs to ensure sufficient pressure pump and standby water wells. Because of this broad serious concerns, should be a buyer the opportunity to determine whether an irrigation system is vital to their situation, after receiving all the facts and descriptions of all possible consequences.
It was suggested that the homeowners insurance discounts were given forthe existence of fire sprinklers will significantly contribute to the payment of the cost of the system. A recent National Association of Home Builders accurate (NAHB) report the detailed findings of discounts, the amounts that the costs of the sprinkler system and the amortization period required to recoup your investment in them. According to the NAHB, the average cost of a new home in New York for the year 2007 305.803 $ and the average annual cost of insurance for the house is $ 630. The average discount for Class AIrrigation system, weighted by health insurance is 11%. This represents an annual savings of $ 69.30 a year in New York. Calculated with the average cost for an irrigation system costs and other fees associated with the facility of $ 5,573, the payback period of insurance discounts for the system over 80 years would not be a good investment by any means. Date on which the cost of irrigation system in a typical mortgage is mediated buying and financing, could be a return to the system to rise almost100 years. And since insurance companies usually have a total of 20% in discounts in connection with safety devices (eg, lock, burglar alarms and smoke detectors), given the large number of functions such as in many homes, the 'actual impact could be based on the insurance payment very small or zero, greatly extending the amortization period or makes it unpredictable.
As a result, residential irrigation systems are not cheap and there is little evidencethat the risk of dying in a fire. The need for sprinklers in new houses or two families in office has never been justified. Residential fires, deaths and injuries continue to decline latest homes increased their share of everything. Advances in construction practices and materials that demonstrate the effectiveness of smoke detectors and fire prevention and education are working well. Commissioning and installation of smoke detectors continue to be recognizedpractical, convenient and proven to reduce fire losses in the United States.
According to the Association of Home Builders Michigan new homes are safer than ever before. Fire codes are trying to reduce the number of casualties and damage in the residence due to a fire. These codes are the separation of fire, fire blocking and stopping the project, the emergency escape routes and rescue openings, electrical switches, capacity and spacing, grip, and less need for heating energy efficiencyHomes. Most fatal fires are older, poor houses that were built does not contain significant improvements in fire protection features of housing code standards. Older houses may have building materials, stoves, faulty wiring, or other characteristics that could lead to an increased risk of fire, as well as structural defects or less easy to get out.
Smoke detection alarms, along with fire safety education play an important role in saving lives. They alsoSave money. From the U.S. Fire Administration, the average cost of interconnected, hard-wired smoke alarms with battery backup detect-$ 50.00 per station. On the other hand, residential irrigation systems in New York can cost several thousand dollars and put hundreds of thousands of homeowners from real estate market through this additional financial burden would be. The most recent data show that for every increase of NAHB $ 1,000 average cost for one new homemore than 217 000 potential home buyers are priced out of the market because they can not afford or qualify for a mortgage. Fallout from the subprime mortgage crisis will certainly increase this number. A sprinkler system seems to mandate goals of increased home ownership affordable for New Yorkers disagree.
The recommendation of this study showed support for the continued use of smoke detectors detect and inform the public about their maintenance, together withvigilant in the existing code, such as best practices fatal fires in New York to reduce the new one and two-family houses. Data in this study show that the average house fire in which a fatality occurred was built in 1940. These houses, you probably do not realize operational smoke alarms, and were not built to current standards. The commitment to residential fire sprinklers in homes in upstate New York is not economically sound idea, there are operational failures,have not demonstrated that save the lives of far more barriers and create their cost homebuyers input.