Humidity will be caused by many factors and is often quoted that the geometric mis-diagnose the cause of moisture. Personally I believe this, but I believe that is true is that the owner of a house or ignore moisture and mildew, a strange attitude and self-destructive, or (paranoid and trying to completely eliminate all traces of moisture that is not always a smart thing to do).
Nothing could be worse than ignoring the problems, because they are poorer in the rule. Our secondReaction is often to engage a specialist damp proofing contractor. Although this may properly and professionally in my experience, vendors often sell as a solution that is not necessary, and what it costs a small fortune. This usually means the chemical solution is injected into the walls of the houses and this can not always be correct in this eco-world.
It 's all in compliance with the scope and scale, but the wiser approach is to inspect the rule on local Chartered Surveyor inand I recommend. I may be accused of profiteering from here, but I do not agree I am biased. Moisture can be caused by factors other than a real analysis necessary to ensure the solution is sustainable. Where does damp place, and why not a repair must be completed?
The best way to prevent moisture, it is sufficient to create a barrier, and install it effectively during the construction of the building. Otherwise, the update must be considered and these systems are oftendisruptive and expensive.
It is well to remember another serious problem in the diagnosis of damp - often the cause of the moisture problem has been misdiagnosed and can lead to cost a lot more useless or, worse still, the costs of duplicate for a period of years as a second solution then test.
The condensation is often the real problem, and this can be a problem of lifestyle rather than a defect in building brought together: yes, it is my experience that the vast majority ofMoisture, by chemical injection systems (see below) are fixed, in fact, a combination of inadequate insulation and a theme around your own lifestyle actions and methods of life in that particular building.
On top of these issues is a risk that moisture may have seen historically brought with them minerals from the soil. You can wander into the wall and base mounted in the rooms below. This contaminated plaster must be removed is usually (but notalways) and then re-plastered areas affected by high cost and inconvenience. The moisture may have begun the process of deterioration in carpentry or soil that may not appear until many months later and so it is worth exposing the floor rule and to raise before the work can be determined - Hense my statement that usually worth it to get a surveyor with experience of home control home before starting work.
The diagnosis humidity is an industry that is driven by a poll of the Free SocietyCompetition for the retrofit renovations. Often conflicts of interest, misdiagnosis, and saves all in the interest of the buyer or owner of the house a few pounds is not called by a local pay review, independent chartered surveyor.
So what are the main types of remedies system, if a real problem was rising damp have been properly diagnosed? Here is a simple list ---
Chemical injection systems update: this place chemicals within a wall, so that the microporous structure ofMasonry can not take the moisture and prevents the capillary force, and so humid you can not get to go home. Small holes in the wall-base (usually outside, but an internal system can be developed in some cases) have been drilled and a chemical solution is then systematically injected into the wall until saturation.
Electro-osmosis: When a small electrical current (equivalent that is used by a door) is presented through a wall, which affects the rate of capillary potentialAttraction, the water will rise in a wall (like a tree draws water from the ground). This system is typically a control unit (an adaptive power supply), drilled in the anode and the outer wall made of more than possibly a ground rod. These are made from the outside and make available effective when the circuit (s) is not broken or interrupted feeding.
= Physical barrier such as the introduction of a new bitumen felt, plastic (polypropylene, EPDM or recycling center), dense (technical grade)Bricks and mortar, of course, lead or slate. Any physical barrier must be connected to all floors of the membrane and at least 150 mm above the level of the soil. The exact location of the barrier must also ensure that embedded beams dry ends and the subsequent decay are protected.
Schrijver system (a brand-name products used as an example, to identify such a system - a specialist in physical systems) = this is based on the positioning device placed in a specialTo create a wall (inserted from the outside by a puncture) and thermal bridges, the water drawn. The moisture is then collected and drained safely.
Palliative measures - essentially work on the principle that in order to prevent the moisture is not the problem, but to fight and neutralize the effects of moisture, rather than the source (s) of moisture (if not a serious consequence resulting from these proposals) - - 1 Create a new skin moisture and inner membrane isolation, but with aventilated space between the inner walls of old and new pin wet. You can complete this work in tandem with external drainage. 2 Changes in the habits of the occupants. 3 Improved thermal insulation and / or improve heating and ventilation of the building (or simply to improve the control of the factors of this type).
There are arguments for each type of theory to repair or measures to combat moisture and its effects (mold, rot, health problems ....). Factors to decide the best solution for youpossible: ---
• The robustness of the correct diagnosis of humidity. This factor can not be duplicated in importance, as the vast majority of cases, the moisture initially diagnosed incorrectly by surveyors.
• if the humidity level ensures that all actions in general.
• How green are the solution requires repair.
• The effectiveness and durability of different types of solutions.
• The costs, both direct and indirect, of the preferred repairSolution.
• whether and under what conditions are guaranteed (fixed, for example, insurance?).
• If it is wise to damp repairs - for example: cob walled buildings must remain moist structurally safe: for example, flint walls can not be injected, for example, usually forms a wall of fine period buildings need to breathe and this includes most the working methods of restoration.
• The peripheral devices, such as the degree of business skills to repair, either Building Control Approvalis necessary, the length of time needed to complete the repairs, the conditions of each repair method to be placed, with no adverse effects on marketability or ability of mortgages of every type of repair system, etc. .....
• Sometimes the repairs could impact an adjacent building and teamwork (sometimes mandatory under the Party Wall Act) is required from the adjoining owners before anything can be done.
In seems that the industry has to say, the solution has passed a chemicalInjection treatment, what is the problem now? Until you can get a little 'more challenging, we will continue to use to avoid unnecessary work and / or chemicals, but often full.
The crux of the issue revolves around often to two factors: (1) if plaster is removed and replaced, as this increases the cost and duration of the contract, plus (2) you are willing to accept that your way of living ' apartment, in need of moisture and cause mold, and you may needmake changes in lifestyle (the latter scenario is real and it is not my experience occupants often find that the problem is self-inflicted, this plays into the hands of rogue companies specializing moist.).
It 'really quite simple - as every home and the type of employment are so variable, no one solution fits all is good and so you have a consultation. Accepting the advice of a Chartered Surveyor impartial or are based on Bob the Builder or a company from a sellerHumidity entrepreneur? The choice is yours.
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